​The Properties page provides a listing of properties entered into the system and the ability to add new properties or delete existing ones. At least one Property must be entered before an Apiary can be added as apiaries are assigned to Properties.
To add an Apiary, select the "+" button on the top right of the screen.
To delete a property, select the 3 vertical buttons on the row of the property that you would like to delete. If the property you want to delete has assigned apiaries, you must first delete these or transfer them to other properties before you can delete the property.

The property summary screen allows you to edit the property name, view the apiaries associated with the property along with adding, editing or deleting apiaries.
To edit the property name, just select the pencil icon to the right of the name. Make an edit to the name in the dialog box and select SAVE at the top.
The summary section will show a count of the apiaries assigned to the property along with a list shown below this in alphabetical order by apiary name. If you select the three vertical dots on the right of any apiary name, you have the option to navigate to the apiary and edit it or to delete the apiary and all associated records from the application.

The Apiary Details screen provides access to details about the property, the contact details and the owner operator. You have the ability to reference the data or edit any section by selecting the pencil icon to the top right of each section.
The Property Details section is where you can enter details around access restrictions, entry requirements and hazards on the property. These can easily be updated or referenced prior to entering the property. To add or edit details for any of the fields simply select the pencil icon on the top right of the section.
The Contact Details section is where you can add details for the person that you need to contact on a regular basis for access to the property or to ask questions around the property. You can select the pencil icon to the top right of the section to edit any of the fields. Additionally, if you are on a mobile phone when accessing this section, you can select the phone icon to initiate a call, the message icon to initiate a text or the email icon to initiate an email.
The Owner/Operator Details section is where you can add the contact details for the person responsible for the property and any business agreements around placing hives there.