Navigation Icons
Opens the main menu bar
Opens Intercom, the HiveManager help instant messenger
Select your current location on the map
Zoom in on the map
Zoom out on the map
Opens the available map layers
Download the map
Expand the map
Indicates an unfiltered apiary. It can be selected to show the details and navigate to the comments and property details.
Indicates an apiary that matches filter criteria. Also can be select to show the details.
Expands menu
Collapses menu
Remove a user
Resends an invitation email
Add - including property or apiary
Shows directions in Google maps
Edits - including property and apiary details
Shows the location on the map
Open the apiary selection map
Opens additional options such as edit and delete
Indicates a search field
Used to filter apiaries by property, hive count or nuc count
Used to update the hive count or nuc count at an apiary
Used to move hives from one apiary site to another