Apis mellifera - Genus and species of bee
Balling the queen - When hive bees surround and kill their queen
Beeswax - Compound secreted by bees
Brood - Term used for all immature stages of bees (eggs, larvae and pupae)
Brood chamber - Part of the hive in which the brood is reared
Capped brood - Pupae whose cells have been sealed
Chilled brood - Developed bee brood that has died from exposure to cold
Cloake board - Starter/Finisher in one
Cluster - Bees covering brood when temperature is low
Colony collapse disorder CCD
Comb foundation - Commercially made sheet of plastic or wax embossed with worker or drone cell pattern
Contracts - legal agreements
Dearth - A time when nectar or pollen or both are not available
Dividing/splitting - Reducing a strong colony to more than one smaller colony
Drawn comb - A comb with cells built out by bees
Drifting - When bees go into a hive that is not their own
Emergency queens - queens produced by the colony
European Foulbrood
Formic acid - A organic acid to control varroa
Grafting - Moving a egg the queen has laid to an artificial cell
Honey flow - When nectar is available to the bees
Laying worker - A worker bee that lays drone eggs, usually in queenless hives
Marked queen - Queen with drop of paint on it
Mating yard - Apiary devoted to producing queens
Nectar - sweet liquid
Nosema ceranae - Virus
Nuc or nucleus - two/five frame hive
Pollen trap - Device put under the hive to collect pollen
Pollination - Process of using bees to pollinate flowers
Queen - A fully developed female bee capable of reproduction
Queen cage - small cage for storing queens
Queen cell - The cell queen bees are raised in
Queen cell cup - a rounded cup built to accommodate future queen cells
Queenright - A colony with a health queen
Robbing - When bees steal honey
Royal jelly - Feed made by bees for queens
Small hive beetle
Starter/finisher - hives used to raise queens
Supersedure - Natural replacement of a queen by the bees
Surplus honey - Honey stored by bees
Swarm - when bees leave the hive including the queen
Swarm cell - a queen cell produced by workers when nearly ready to swarm
Uniting - When two colonies are joined
Varroa mite
Virgin queen - An unmate (not laying) queen
VSH (VAROA sensitive hygiene) - Clean bee hive that may make varoa less
Worker bees - female bee
Worker comb